Attendance Patterns
We have three classrooms and operate six set classes per week.
​You can choose to attend 2 days or 3 days with the options being:
2 day attendance
3 day attendance
Monday/Tuesday/ Wednesday
We have set class groups consisting of 20 children. These classes are fixed for the year, so the same 20 children will attend on the same days (like a class at school). This provides a beautiful sense of security for children as they have consistency in order to develop strong relationships with their peers, teachers and educators.

PHWMCC Philosophy
We believe in fostering genuine, respectful partnerships with families.
We recognise that our families are our children’s first, and most influential, teachers. It is important to us that we work in partnerships with families, understanding each other’s expectations and building on the strengths of each other’s knowledge. We have seen how this improves learning outcomes for the children, and how these relationships – based on mutual trust, acceptance and respect – are of benefit to the child as a whole.
We believe that each child is unique and that building relationships with children is at the core of all we do.
Each child brings a diverse range of experiences, perspectives, expectations, knowledge and skills, all of which contributes to their learning. We view children as strong, capable and resilient, each with the capacity to succeed. The rights of children, as well as their voices, hopes and dreams, are integral to our decision-making processes. We understand that children form an understanding of themselves and their place in the world through their interactions with others, and we support their innate sense of wonder by encouraging them to be active participants in their own learning.

We believe there is learning potential in all aspects of the preschool day.
We provide a flexible play based learning environment that allows children extended periods of unhurried time to explore, experiment, make choices, take considered risks and open ended experiences that allow children to develop skills at their own pace. We encourage children to become curious and inquisitive learners, where they learn to collaborate, cooperate and negotiate with both their peers and educators. We encourage children to become immersed in their play and demonstrate genuine engagement in their own learning. We believe in a collaborative curriculum that reflects the ideas and interests of the child, includes family input, incorporates the knowledge of the educators and intentional teaching moments, and reflects what is happening in the world around us.
We believe the learning environment has great potential to inspire children.
We believe that innovative and stimulating learning spaces encourage collaboration, communication and exploration. We place value on the natural environment and the beauty and creativity that it inspires. We provide a beautiful outdoor space with many natural elements, and believe that our indoor and outdoor spaces promote the health and wellbeing of our children and educators.

We believe that children will learn most effectively where there is a high ratio of experienced, qualified educators to engage in experiences and interactions with children.
We support our dedicated educators in their commitment to excellence and continual learning because we believe it leads to enhanced outcomes for children and families. Our educators prioritise the development of trusting and nurturing relationships, and support children in developing a strong sense of wellbeing. Our educators understand and honour diversity within our families and in our local community, and create a culture where all children are valued, included and welcomed. PHWMCC is committed to creating and maintaining an environment that promotes the safety of all children.
We are committed to critical thinking, reflective practice and a high level of professionalism.
Engaging in reflection and discussion not only guides our practice, but keeps us abreast of current practices in Early Childhood Education. Our educators are committed to building a culture of collegiality and professionalism through collaborative relationships based on trust, respect and honesty.

We believe in a sense of belonging to the local and wider community.
We believe that a sense of belonging is integral and our children, families, educators and Management Committee work together to achieve this. Known for our culture of excellence in early childhood education and care, our preschool enjoys a long, rich history and important position within the local community. We value and honour Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage, and strive to ensure that children have the opportunity to gain an understanding of the significance of these cultures and the impact they have had, and continue to have, on our world.
We believe in supporting children to have respect for the environment and the world around us.
We embed sustainable practices into all aspects of our preschool. We believe that sustainability goes further than simply conservation, to encompass issues of fairness and equity. It is important to us that we think about our impact on the lives of future generations, and our shared responsibilities to the environment and humanity.
In 2018, Pennant Hills War Memorial Children’s Centre proudly celebrated 70 years of providing community based, not for profit, high quality early childhood education.
The preschool has evolved over the years in response to the needs of the local community. It started with 18 children in a small building, with a sandpit and swing for the children to play on outside. Gradually as enrolments grew, buildings were added, and we acquired some extra land.
Today’s beautiful grounds and purpose built preschool buildings are a reflection of the hard work and passion of early childhood educators and the local community over the past 70 years.

Pennant Hills War Memorial Children’s Centre is an incorporated association that is managed by a volunteer Management Committee made up of parents of the preschool as well as up to two community members.
The Management Committee is an elected parent-based committee that works in partnership with the Director to administer the Preschool. The Annual General Meeting is held in February or March each year and the Management Committee, elected at the AGM, hold monthly meetings during the year.
The Management Committee is responsible for the governance of the Preschool and is the Approved Provider of the Preschool. The management committee ensures that the Preschool is run effectively and that the needs of the families and community associated with the preschool are continually met.
As a community-based preschool, we welcome any contribution that parents are able to make and encourage families to be active participants in the preschool community.
Meet the Team
Our staff are highly motivated and professional Early Childhood Educators. We have a cohesive and motivated team of educators, and have high levels of staff longevity and consistency.
We realise that providing above the required ratios of educators to children produces high quality care and education. All of our educators are passionately committed to all children having opportunities to learn, grow and achieve their potential. We provide a University Trained Teacher in each classroom, alongside 2 support educators, all who have a Diploma in Children’s Services or Certificate 3 in Children’s Services.

Jill Crispe
(B.Ed Early Childhood)